Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Garden Update


1. Tomatoes

YUM!!!! So pleased with the crop we've gotten off of the few tomato plants we planted. The plants are starting to die off now but I've heard you can hang branches of green tomatoes so that they continue to ripen. Might try this as there are plenty of green tomatoes still on the bushes.

2. Zucchini

I wasn't going to grow zucchini this year but ended up throwing in a couple of seeds late. Only 1 grew into a plant but we're getting just the right amount of zucchini from it. Not a glut. Just enough for eating. Given I'm trying to reduce what is in my freezer before we go away, I'm not after a glut for freezing this year.

3. Butternut Pumpkin

After dying back in the heatwave we had, I wasn't expecting any pumpkins this year so I'm stoked to get any. I've just picked my first one (and made it into pumpkin soup today - YUM!) and there are 5 left to come. Counting these as bonus pumpkins really. :)


1. Corn

Well, that finished ages ago actually. Next year I'm going back to the "sweetest" variety which has the variegated corn kernels (white and yellow). It did a lot better (although this year I did have a LOT of trouble with slaters eating out the roots of the corn).

2. Cucumber

I only managed to keep 1 cucumber plant alive this year so it was a bit disappointing. It did fruit well though but finished a little while ago.

3. Button Squash

The squash has just finished. It fruited well but the size of the fruit compared to the size of the plant makes it's overall yield not worth growing in the size garden I have.


It is so weird not planting anything at the moment. There isn't really a lot of point planting when we're going to be away. I'm planning to heavily mulch the beds before we go and give both garden beds a "rest" over winter.


jeanie said...

Oh very pretty makeover.

Our garden is in hiatus at the moment (well, except for prolific basil) mainly through neglect and the belief that my new vege beds will be made in time for next season...

River said...

LOVE the new look over here. The colour scheme looks more like a garden than the old one did.

JANE4girls said...

after you left a message on my blog I had to come check yours out. I was shocked that you were getting crops so early and talked of a "heatwave" until I found out you are in Australia. That is super cool...one of my "I have to go before I die" places.