Sunday, March 30, 2008

Planning Some Planting

My Moon Planting Guide for April has arrived so I'm getting all excited with some plans to plant in the next week or so. The weather seems to have taken a definite turn toward Autumn so I'm hoping to get some of my winter vegies in and up before the ground gets too cold.

This weeks plan is to dig over the part of the vegetable patch where the corn was growing. I do have one no dig garden bed but this one isn't and a lot of the corn stalks snapped off so I need to dig out some root system.

I've heard the broccoli seems to do well after corn so I'm going to plant some seeds and see what happens. According to my plan, April 2nd - 4th is a good time for planting broccoli.

Last year I had a LOT of trouble with bugs eating my seedlings as they popped out of the ground. By the time I figured out how to defeat them, the season was getting late and the crop was rather small. I'm hoping this year we'll do better. :)


jeanie said...

Oh do tell how you go?

We have a beautiful day here, where I am contemplating sifting through the seeds and see what will go in. 2nd to 4th, huh?

Jayne said...

A good general pest spray that knocks out most pests and harms nothing is -
garlic powder mixed in water in a spray bottle with about 1 teaspoon of grated pure soap flakes.
Spray everything with it, it won't harm anything or things like ladybirds but the caterpillars, thrips, earwigs, etc don't like it ;)