Saturday, March 22, 2008


I'm not sure if it's too early to be planting seeds for winter crops yet but I decided to pop a few seeds in the ground and see what happens.

So far I have planted 1 row of pea seeds - all along the fence line where they'll be able to climb (hopefully).

I also planted just a few mignonette lettuce seeds to see if it's cool enough for them yet. They're in the coolest part of the garden so fingers crossed.

Of course, a lot will depend on what the weather does in the next few weeks.

The garden bed wasn't built until May last year so I'm not used to what to plant in March and April. I am hoping though that if I get a few of the winter plants going earlier, they'll do a little better than we did last year.


jeanie said...

Oh sounds good!

We have FINALLY finished clearing a bit of weedspace to dream about what should be planted - must decide by this weekend, otherwise the weeds may have a free for all!

Jayne said...

I'm throwing all the cabbage family seeds into pots to plant out - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, some silverbeet, English spinach. If you plant out any cabbage family seeds, remember to plant plenty of beans with them to restock the soil with nitrogen the cabbage-type plants deplete.

lightening said...

If only the weeds produced some kind of edible fruit eh Jeanie? :)

Jayne - we have the opposite trouble here. Nitrogen rich soil from our water. It's worth knowing though. Thanks. :)