Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Seeds Are Up!!!!

8 Days!!!!

8 days ago I planted some pea seeds and some mignonette lettuce seeds and I've just checked the garden and they're UP!!!

I can't believe it!

I'm so glad I posted on the day I planted them because otherwise I'd have no idea how many days ago it was. See, this blog is working well already. :)

Of course, they may have come up yesterday or the day before but I hadn't even though to check them yet.


Seeing tiny little seedlings poking their heads out of the soil would HAVE to be my favourite part of gardening I think! :)

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Its one of the best things about gardening, hey.

I love the satisfaction pea seedlings give as they do just get up and grow! We planted ours on Sunday, so I will also use your blog to do my timeline ha ha ha.
