Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes

Last night it rained. Sometime during the night our power went out. Which meant the kids woke up. They don't like the dark. So we had no power but the garden got watered. Not sure how much rain we actually got but at least it's a little cooler now.

The corn is pretty much finished so I started pulling the stalks out. Need to start thinking about what I'll plant in that space next. I've been told broccoli grows well after a corn crop.


River said...

hey! The rain dance worked! Yay me.

HisPrincess said...

The gardening man says its too soon to plant broccoli. He has also just pulled out the thinking about what next....will keep you posted.

HisPrincess said...

Ok. You've made him think about it and consult his trusty gardening book. He's thinking parsnips and turnips because he wants me to make soup! Hmmmmm. Go the broccoli I say.

lightening said...

Thanks River!!! Now can you do a really BIG one for around Anzac Day???? :)

HisPrincess - hmmm....neither parsnips or turnips grab me either.