Thursday, February 21, 2008

Zucchini Lovefest Now Live

You can now view my post Zucchini Lovefest at Lightening Online. There were lots of fantastic recipe suggestions for using up any excess zucchini. :)

I feel a little bit "zucchini'd out" this afternoon. I've been busy grated zucchini and have made some Chocolate Zucchini Bread.

My 45cm blackjack yielded 10 cups of grated zucchini!!!! I'm pretty stoked with that.

For tea tonight? Katy's Vegetable Pie.

Katy sent in:

We love vegetable pie! The children especially. Grate 2 carrots, 2 zucchini, 1 cup cheese, 5 eggs, 1 cup flour, S&P, bacon or chicken if you'd like. Mix it all up in a big bowl, and cook on 180 for about 45 minutes. Yummy!

I hope it's as much of a hit with our kids as it is with hers!

I've also been busy cutting kernels of a few corn cobs that hadn't quite fully developed. Ended up yielding a 500g bag of kernels for the freezer so was worth my effort. :)


River said...

Last time I grew sweet corn I only had room for 4 plants. Total yield? ONE cob which I peeled and ate on my way back in to the kitchen. That was the same year I grew the tennis ball sized rockmelon. Since then I've stuck with only beans and tomatoes. And my fruit forest of course. Last weekend I stewed 17 peaches off my miniature tree. (It's only 2 feet tall.)

lightening said...

Mmmm....I LOVE stewed peaches!!! :)