We have just had the most awful, hot, windy, feral two days here. My poor garden is suffering badly. I guess I can be thankful it's as late in the summer season as it is. I'm not sure what will come back and what will be finished.
I picked a cob of corn and the corn inside is rather shrivelled and sad looking. We've watered (but water is scarce as we haven't had much rain so I have to be careful) and I'll see if that makes any difference. At least we've harvested most of the corn but it is a little bit disappointing.
Some of my tomato plants look completely had it. I think it's the wind more than the heat. It's given them quite a bashing and is so drying.
Funnily enough the zucchini seems to have survived well. LOL. Although it is right against the fence and one lot has the corn in front of it so it's pretty well protected.
The pumpkin plant is looking rather droopy and some of the leaves look like they've died. I think it's still healthy enough that the plant itself will survive though. Time will tell.
I'll update in a few days on how things look. I *think* we're due for a bit of a cool change.
Would LOVE some rain though. It seems kind of crazy the way some places have had too much rain while we haven't had any.
We're completely on tanks and dams here (for the house, garden AND the sheep) so we're very conscious of water usage and long stints without rain. I think it's a good thing though. I'd like to see more people self-sufficient when it comes to water. I think it would greatly increase awareness of how much we use. I know my awareness has increased greatly since we moved here.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Heat Stroke
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Oh I really feel for you.
Truly - my replanted lemongrass didn't take as it drowned.
My last carrots drowned.
My corn field is 1 foot under water.
My cherry tomatoes have gone wild - no tomato, but wild.
I found a melon vine amongst my seeded basil - no melons, but the vine grows about a foot a day.
The parsley patch is cowering under a vine - but the self-seeded coriander is starting to push through.
I dare not step outside as the lawn may turn on me and attack.
I would love, love, love to pump some water from my back yard your way - do Australia Post do that?
BTW I really do feel for you - my pumpkin vine goes that way in hot weather but bounces back pretty well (although you must be well south of me, as our pumpkin was harvested before Summer).
And darn you - you actually get zucchini.
Time for a rain dance I think.
We have plenty of tomatoes. Maybe we could do a trade for zucchini? Or have you cooked them all up. DH LOVES his tomatoes. Every night when I get out there he is with his beloved tomatoes. He has them in a shade house this year in big drums and it seems to have worked really well. You will have to chat to him one day about the ins and outs of tomato growing, I have to admit that I don't really listen!
Hisprincess - I think the zucchini's I have left are kind of strange looking and not the best. Another time maybe. I think you're DH (and even more so his MOTHER) would be horrified if they saw my tomatoes roaming all over the place like lost bushes. :)
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