Monday, February 18, 2008

How To Tell When Pumpkin Is Ready To Pick?

I did try Google first. I promise. You'd think information like this would be EASY to find on the internet. But it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

So can anyone please tell me how I know when my pumpkin is ready to pick?

I was going to post a picture of my ripest pumpkin for you but blogger won't play nice! :(

Edited to add: Think it will let me add a picture now.


jeanie said...

I haven't had that sort growing, but the blues I had last year were ripe when they came from the vine fairly easily rather than a struggle, IYKWIM? The stalk at the top sort of dries a little but not totally.

I know - no help whatsoever. And this from the zucchini killer.

lightening said...

That helps Jeanie. Thanks. The stalk is very green still so I'll keep an eye on that.

River said...

I was going to say, but Jeanie said it first. There may be other ways but I don't know of any offhand. I'll dig out my gardening files and get back to you.

River said...

I have several folders of magazine articles on gardening including a whole section on "when is it ripe?" Can't find that particular one just now, I'm going to have to turn that drawer inside out tomorrow.

Chookie said...

Pumpkin is ripe when you have dry streaks up the stalk. OTOH they don't really become overripe, so you can leave them where they are until the entire plant withers (unless you get frosts). Do not break the pumpkin from its stalk -- cut it, leaving the stalk on the pumpkin. If you take the stalk off, disease gets in through the 'belly button' and rots your pumpkin. Put the pumpkin somewhere dry, airy and frost-free, like your garage roof, to cure for a few weeks before eating.

lightening said...

Thanks River. I really don't want to put you to any trouble.

Thanks for that info Chookie. I wouldn't have known to keep the stalk on and wait before using the pumpkin.

River said...

It's no trouble. I know I have stuff and when I can't put my hands on it straight away it relly bugs me so a drawer clean out was probably well overdue. didn't find the information I was looking for though, probably those clippings got thrown out in the last clean up when I chucked stuff I thought I would no longer need. Enjoy your pumpkin (soup,scones, pie,roasted, mashed....)

HisPrincess said...

Hi Jodi.
Kym says you let the stalk completely dry out. He's the gardener in the family. Gets it from his mum I think.