Monday, October 19, 2009

Summer Planting

I finally got around to some summer planting today. My garden is going to be a little late this year with having been away. I haven't even had a chance to buy some seedlings to plant yet.

Other than a 50c parsley plant I purchased at the school festival. My parsley all died (hard to keep potted plants alive when you're away for 3 months).

While I was out in the garden, I transplanted a few strawberry plants and threw a few seeds in the ground, hoping for the best.

I planted:

* butternut pumpkins
* cucumbers
* zucchini
* beans

Plus I'm attempting to grow some tomato seeds in the window sill (not confident we'll get far).

I still plan to purchase some seedlings but figured it was worth making a start.

Now just keeping my fingers crossed some of them grow.

Last year I had that much trouble with slaters eating my seedlings. I'm hoping I don't have the same trouble this year but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

And the ground is surprisingly dry for how much rain we had. Not a good sign.

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Good luck with it all!!

Our strawberries are prolific now but oh! How dry is it!!

BTW - picklebums ( is doing a Garden Week this week.