Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beautiful Butternuts

Cucurbita moschata 'Butternut'.Image via Wikipedia

I'm feeling so in awe of my Butternut Pumpkin plant of late. During the terrible series of heatwaves we had a while back it curled up it's toes and I really thought the 2 small pumpkins we got from it's earlier fruiting were all we were going to see.

However, the plant seems to have found a new lease on life and is booming away. Last night when I investigated, there are 6 healthy butternuts growing away with heaps of promise of pumpkin soup in the months to come!!!!

I love the way my garden constantly surprises me. Sometimes things don't grow or product fruit which can be disappointing but more often than not, I'm finding it surprises me in a more positive way and shows me the amazing resilience and determination to survive that many plants have.

Nature sure is an amazing thing!

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