Thursday, January 15, 2009

Green Button Squash

Tonight we tried the first of the Green Button Squash that I tried growing for the first time this year. It went down pretty well with the kids for a "first time" vegetable.

I had some that were a little on the large side and even those were lovely.

Button Squash doesn't have a strong flavour to it although DH mentioned that it tasted a little like corn (I think the smaller ones had a sweeter, more buttery flavour to them).

I can see why they're so expensive to buy in the shops (not that I've ever come across the green ones but the yellow ones are always expensive). They take up quite a bit of room in the garden for what amount of fruit they produce.

Given I have a limited amount of space, I'm not sure if I'll grow them again or not. I'm torn between the fact that the whole family seemed to like them with the fact that I could produce quite a bit more if I grew zucchini in the same space.

Guess I'll decide later in the season (or maybe when planting comes around again).


River said...

I still haven't gotten around to trying squash with any of my meals, but one day....
If you're looking for more "value for space" then zucchini is probably the plant to go for, but if you really like the squash...well, I'll leave that up to you. It is your garden after all.

linda said...

My favorite vegetables are squash and zucchini - the blend in so well with tomato dishes. Last year I grew zuch's but ended up with too many. I need to be more practical about how many seedlings I plant.

Unfortunately, I still cannot convince my son that a squash is worthy of eating (or any other vege actually).