Friday, August 8, 2008

$25 Challenge - Week No Idea

LONDON - MAY 13:  Various types of lettuce gro...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeI have no idea what week I'm up to with my challenge. Not that it really matters other than it gives me a way of differentiating between my titles.

This week has been a very slow week in terms of garden produce. Only a few herbs picked to go in the pumpkin soup I made. I'm going to look into planting some more herbs as they seem so easy to grow and they're just there then.

My 4 year old continues to choose salad for his lunch so that he can pick his own lettuce. While it's only a leaf or 2 a day, I figure it's priceless when it comes to encouraging healthy eating.

The peas are really struggling this year. I've planted HEAPS and they're just not growing well. :(

I also have an entire garden bed which is struggling. I'm thinking the corn probably sapped a lot of the goodies from the soil. We're planning to build it up another level before the summer planting and fill it with compost. We'll have to buy the compost ($70 a trailer load so pretty cheap really) but I feel it's worth it to get the garden going. We're still not successfully making our own compost yet.

Oh well, looks like there is plenty of room for improvement in the garden. It's just teeny, tiny babysteps right now (as always). And plenty of patience. Wonder if they sell that in the garden shop? ;)

Zemanta Pixie


River said...

Corn needs roughly about a swimming pool worth of water..........okay I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea.

Chookie said...

Corn is well known as a 'gross feeder' -- any bed which has grown corn needs lots of nitrogen added to it afterwards in the form of chook or moo poo, before you try anything else.