Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rain, Rain and More... Rain

If this keeps up, our August rainfall will match the total rainfall we've had for the rest of the year. Am I complaining??? NO WAY!!!!

Things have been looking incredibly bleak around here. The crops have been struggling. Our dams have been empty and the rainwater tanks scarily low.

The best part about this latest lot of rain is that none of it has been forecast.

Honestly, I think weather forecasters should all be sacked. What's the point in forecasting weather if you're really only making an "educated guess"? There is NOTHING more discouraging for a farmer coming off the back of drought after drought than to be told rain is coming and none eventuates.

So, here's the swimming pool in our backyard the other day.

And today it's raining again.

Apparently we need a quick inch now to run a decent amount of water into the dams. The faster the rain falls, the more the dams collect.

But slow or fast, we'll take it however it comes.

Let's hope it just keeps coming.

It would be sooooo nice to head into summer with water in our dams for a change.


jeanie said...

Yay!!!! Nothing like welcomed rain to brighten up the outlook - so to speak!

River said...

I'm loving all the rain, we even had hail here a couple of times. still, it's sad to see all the water running in the gutters, down the drains, out to sea. I'll NEVER understand why the governments don't all get together and build catchments, pipelines and pumps to get all that rain run-off INTO the pipelines and catchment dams. I know it will cost lots (LOTS) of $$$ but this country needs to hold on to every drop it can. In the long run it would be cheaper to build such infrastructure now than "sometime in the future". As far as I know they're not even looking at such ideas. Stoopid governments..

Jayne said...

Lovin' the rain we're getting here, too.