Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Trouble With Picking Your Food Fresh Is....

an omeletteImage via Wikipedia...You get wet if it's raining at lunchtime!!!!! LOL.

I'd planned to have an omelette for lunch today. I'm trying to eat healthier lunches so a bit of forward planning helps with that.

What I hadn't planned was what I was going to ADD to my omelette.

No problem. I was sure I could find a few useful bits and pieces in the garden. Plus the last of the tomato's from our summer crop.

I found some baby silverbeet, garlic chives and parsley from the garden.

The eggs were from our own chooks.

So other than a little bit of oil and a handful of cheese, my lunch today was SELF SUFFICIENT.

Go Me!!!!

Step 1 down. Only about 999 to go before we reach a reasonable level of self-sufficiency. ;)

I reckon the first step is often the hardest though. Yeah?

Oh, and yes, I did get wet trying to pick my lunch.

And that image up the top there? Totally what my omelette looked like!!!! ;) I did take a photo of my real omelette but it's still on the camera and I'm too lazy to download it then upload it etc etc. So I cheated and borrowed an image.

You'll still love me, yeah?


jeanie said...

you got a problem with rain. We haven't had that problem for ages now.

Waaaah - I wanna get wet picking my lunch!!!

By the way - lovely lunch.

River said...

On the upside the rain washed your salad and your hands for you.......

lightening said...

Oh, I'm SUCH a whinger aren't I??? :)

River - LOVE your take on it. LOL.