Thursday, April 24, 2008

Braving the Jungle

I can't believe what a jungle my vegie patch turned into this summer. I've been waiting for the tomatoes to "finish" so I could pull them out and plant something else. It's unreal how the plant can look pretty much "dead" and yet still seems to be producing fruit!!!!

I decided to get out there today (now that it's gotten a little cooler again) and start cutting the stuff that is dead away from the plant so I could see which plants really were finished and which were still producing. That's made some room for a little planting with just a few tomato plants left to finish off.

The pumpkins are continuing to take over the backyard. Fingers crossed we'll get LOADS of fruit from the. I LOVE Jap Pumpkins!!! We've been eating the Butternuts regularly and I can't believe how SWEET they are. In fact, they're a little *too* sweet for my liking. But they're going down a treat with the kids!!!! :)

So today I've planted out a punnet of garlic chives and half the punnet of red cabbages. I'm determined not to make the same mistake I did over summer and plant stuff too close together. So once the last of the tomato plants come out, I'll be able to plant out the other half a punnet of red cabbages.

Cabbages take up a fair amount of room don't they? I've never grown them before but we much prefer the red cabbage to standard green cabbage and it's always more expensive to buy the red cabbage. I'm hoping they're not more expensive because they're harder to grow. Anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? We'll see what happens.


River said...

You can pull the tomato plants out now, roots and all, and hang them upside down in a shady spot, the tomatoes will keep ripening while the plant dies. Good luck with the red cabbages. I love green cabbages, especially the new mini ones available.

Jayne said...

My tom's are still producing too, must be the weird weather lol.
Good luck with the cabbages!

Anonymous said...

We are growing Ku Chai (garlic chives) in amongst our herbs which we brought with us from Syd. We love this stuff! We use it cut fresh & sprinkled over salads as well as in our cooking. Good luck with your new plantings & the season ahead!

BTW, how would you like the info regarding my fav suppliers? I am considering doing a Blog about them in the future.