Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cherry Tomatoes

I put in several cherry tomato plants this summer because I quite like munching on them as a snack. Well, I'm not sure if it's the variety I bought (not that I know what that is - since I'm so *good* at record keeping and all), but the tomato's are tiny and hard to pick (only hard to pick because of their size).

So I'm not sure whether I'll bother with growing cherry tomato's again.

And why is it when you type the word "tomato" over and over again the spelling looks wrong? And how do you spell tomatoes anyway? Is it tomatoes or tomato's or does it depend on the context?


jeanie said...

It is tomatoes unless it belongs to the tomato, I would assume.

I can't quite come at the concept of buying cherry tomatoes to plant - they grow so easily out of the compost!! Apparently their seeds can remain viable after passing through digestive systems.

Minni Mum said...

Yep it's "tomatoes" :-) Once you've grown cherry tomatoes they tend to self seed everywhere which is great, except when you don't want to grow that variety again! I'd definitely have another go next year but with different variety - try looking for "Sweet Bite", a large, sweet cherry tom, that it quite pest and disease resistent, is readily available everywhere, and produces masses of toms.

Jayne said...

There's a few different types of cherry tomatoes (plural with an E) around like cherry Roma toms in red and yellow,pear shaped ones, all sorts, so don't give up on them just yet!
And yep, they're the tomato that keeps on giving from the compost lol !

River said...

Ooh yes! Sweet Bite! They're lovely. And try grape tomatoes, very tasty.

lightening said...

You guys rock - did you know that???? :)

Compost - well I *might* grow tomatoes from it if I had any. There's a tiny little problem with my compost heap. I don't have water to keep it wet in summer and it's so darn cold here in winter the compost does nothing. So any wise ideas for that????

Maybe one day I'll try growing tomatoes from seed. Is it only cherry tomatoes that are easy to grow from seed? I tended to go seedlings because the frosts here linger fairly late so wanted something that was already established.

Thanks very much for the variety suggestions. I'm very much blundering around here in the dark at the moment with regard to what varieties may be good or not so.

Chookie said...

Singular: One tomato.
Plural: Lots of tomatoes.
Apostrophe to denote missing letter (the I in is): That tomato's rotten.
Possessive: Remove the tomato's seeds.
Possessive plural: Those tomatoes' shapes are all different.

And in my garden, the Tommy Toe got fruit fly. I've never had fruit fly in cherry tomatoes before! :-(

Jenny said...

Spring is just about here, and if I'm reading your blog right you guys are in Summer? I can't wait until Spring and Summer here!

Have a great day!