Thursday, February 28, 2008

Whose Shed?

On Tuesday, DH put the garden shed together. I even helped him a little.

It's not quite finished yet. DH has to get some brackets made up to tie it down with. Hence the rope you can see in the picture above.

My 4 year old came home from preschool and was so excited he had to come and tell me all about it.

He came inside and said "mum, come and have a look at MY shed".

So I did.

For some reason I was thinking it was MY garden shed.

My mistake.

Would seem it's a machinery shed for his tractor and bike.

I wonder if he'll mind sharing HIS shed with my gardening tools?


River said...

Great shed. Looks like it has plenty of room for everybody's stuff.

lightening said...

Yes, there's plenty of room for sharing. DH put up some shelving in there too so that'll keep things neater (I hope) and make better use of the space. :)