Who knew that one could get SO excited about a little bit of compost????
I have tried unsuccessfully to make my own compost for YEARS now.
Then, a little while back, I gave up and bought an actual "compost bin".
I thought that worst case scenario, the stuff I put into the bin would have to break down SOMETIME.
Or not..... :-(
Now I will admit that I'm not the world's best gardener.
I like having the produce.
Not so big on the effort required.
I'm what you'd probably call a "lazy gardener".
So, had I made more effort with my compost, perhaps I would have had more success.
This morning, I opened the chute at the bottom of my compost bin and started pulling out some of the dried matter at the opening, pretty much in disgust.
Guess what was behind it?
COMPOST. Beautiful, dark, moist, friable compost!!!!
I'm so excited! Does that make me weird???? LOL.
It's making me get all enthused about gardening again.
Well Done!!!! It is very exciting when months of hard work (!) results in lush compost! We have a worm farm & love the worm tea/juice that comes from it to fertilise our plants as well as the compost we can use as well! I always like to celebrate a rich harvest of compost by planting some new seeds! My last lot were Sunflowers which have always been a failure for me. But this time I got 6 lovely dwarf sunflowers, of which a couple were double headers!
Good Luck with the new-found gardening spirit! I hope it takes you to a new level of self-achievment xxxx
Good luck! I haven't been able to plant a spring garden yet this year due the rain we have been having. It is raining nearly every weekend making it too moist to till. We have black clay dirt so any moisture at all makes it sticky and no moisture makes is hard as a rock.
I have a compost bin that I love and I am looking forward to putting it out to fertilize the plants in my yard.
Socko - thanks. It is exciting. I'd love to have a worm farm one day. I'm just terrified I'd kill the worms. I tried to grow sunflowers once - failed. :(
Lynne - Don't you just love (hate) soils like that? We have some clay on the farm here that can be like that. Hoping it's going to rain any day now here - getting kind of urgent.
Sounds like someone else has spring gardening fever! Good luck with your garden.
I am ahead of you in the forking stakes; I do it very rarely indeed, and probably much less efficiently than you!
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