Monday, November 24, 2008

Garden Progress

Sorry, no updated photographs just yet. But I did want to fill you in on what's happening in the garden.

COMPOST - looks to be a dud. Well, not a total dud but not as good as the last lot we got (from the same place). So much for a "no dig" garden. I'm getting heaps of weeds coming up, it doesn't seem to be holding water the way you'd expect compost to and it's full of slater bugs which keep eating my seedlings. :(

TOMATOES - All 8 of the seedlings have survived so far despite a few looking rather sick. One is booming away and the others are just taking their time.

CUCUMBERS - I have 1 left out of the 4 I planted. Bugs ate the others! Grrrrr!!!!!

SWEET CORN - After a slow start and a few casualties, the sweetcorn seems to be booming away.

GREEN SQUASH - Are booming away. Looking promising.

PUMPKIN - One plant got eaten, the other is surviving. We'll see if that remains to be the case.

BEANS - These came up beautifully from seed and got chomped down by bugs. There are 2 plants still surviving so far and I've planted another set of seeds in the hope that they might do a better job of surviving.

STRAWBERRIES - Are growing well. Only 1 plant is fruiting right now but I'm happy that the others are putting their energies into growing as bigger plants should bear more fruit right?

ZUCCHINI - I found a packet of zucchini seeds (I thought I'd bought some) and planted a couple of seeds. Nothing showing yet - hopefully they'll come up soon.

PARSLEY - I've read that parsley is hard to grow from seed but threw some more seeds in the pot (given the last lot came up alright). They seem to be coming up fine (although I did chuck plenty in there). This should give me parsley at alternating years. I'm hoping from here on in it will self seed and keep me in a supply of parsley. Assuming, of course, I don't forget to water it at some point and it dies.

GARLIC CHIVES - Are booming away, multiplying nicely. Do you need to thin garlic chives? I should look that up I guess.

All in all, despite some setbacks, I'm pretty happy with how things are looking. Another couple of weeks and the garden beds should be starting to look nicely filled out. At least, I hope so.

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Sorry your compost isn't going so good. Ours is doing wonderfully with a great deal of ignorance - when I pay no attention it does much better than when I fret.

The parsley technique is what we used - you get heaps of parsley for 2 years and then it falls over, apparently - I must put another patch in as we are currently 2nd year.

I wish I knew what to do with garlic chives - I use them very rarely anyway, and so pull many every so often and they keep on growing back thick.

BTW - if you need some coriander seeds, ours bolt over here so I have a great supply and would be only too willing to send you some.