Friday, July 25, 2008

$25 Challenge - Week 5

Apricot fruitImage via WikipediaPicked From the Garden This Week:

  • 3.6kg Jap Pumpkin = $5.70
  • 3.7kg Jap Pumpkin = $5.85
  • 4.0kg Jap Pumpkin = $6.35
  • 2 large shallot stems = $0.40
  • celery bits from malformed celery plant = $0.40
  • handful garlic chives = $0.20
  • sprig parsley = $0.20
Total for this week = $19.10

I'm just guessing with the values of the herbs. I know fresh herbs are often expensive so I'm possibly underestimating. However, I also probably wouldn't buy fresh herbs (because they're expensive and also because I'm haphazard in my use of them and would waste them easily).

Planted This Week:

Nothing. Must get on and plant something methinks.

Bought In Preparation For Planting:
  • Dwarf Lemon Tree (to go in a pot)
  • Apricot Tree
  • Pink Lady Apple Tree (need a Granny Smith Apple tree for cross-pollination purposes - our local store didn't have any)
I decided not to wait until Farmboy (DH) was ready and prepared before purchasing the trees. Instead, I was hoping that having them sit there might precipitate his action. He has promised to dig holes this Saturday in preparation for planting the trees. So I guess that worked. :)

Other Garden News:

Broccoli are starting to form heads. I was reading an article on broccoli yesterday in a health magazine and it totally confused me about the best time to grow broccoli. I think I need to do some more research.

Cabbages appear to be growing well.

Lettuces are slow but there is some ready to be picked to have in our hamburgers tonight. :)
Zemanta Pixie


Anonymous said...

Oh you are doing so well.... Our winters are soooo cold and frosty here that I don't really bother to grow anything much in the winter... but with a few sunny days (but freezing nights) I am desperate to get planting for spring

Anonymous said...

well done. I'm not doing much more than keeping our rabbit fed at this stage, but hope to have something more soon.

Anonymous said...

You're doing great. If the last couple of weeks are anything to go by $25/week will be a breeze!

It must be OK for growing broccoli now. On our walks to school in the morning we have been watching a plant that has self-seeded in someone's front garden (along with a few lettuces). This morning it had a small head on it :-)

Jayne said...

Yep, now's the time to plant the cabbages, broccoli,cauliflowers and brussel sprouts.
Well done, you're doing great :)
Buy yourself a Gall-wasp trap to hang in the lemon tree,usually under $10, as Gall-wasp are everywhere these days.

lightening said...

Kate - frost isn't very kind to plants is it? We've had a few here in the past week. They don't normally hit our back yard (we're elevated a bit) but they have lately. Fortunately having the garden against the fence gives them a little bit of protection.

Bettina - rabbit food counts! :)

Journeyer - thanks. Not sure the last couple of weeks are likely to be considered "normal" though. But a nice little boost nonetheless.

Jayne - I had trouble with my broccoli sending up small heads rather than larger ones last year and thought it might have gotten too late. Could be that the pH of the soil was too high. I've never heard of a gall-wasp. I take it they're attracted to lemon trees.

River said...

Your garden is doing really well. I'd like to get more trees, inparticular a lemon, a mandarine and an apricot, but that'll have to wait until we either get a place with more space so I can put them in the ground, or until our water restrictions are lifted.