Thursday, July 17, 2008

$25 Challenge - Week 4

I think we're up to week 4 although I'm scratching my head wondering how on earth things have gone that quickly.

I'm not sure if I said this in my original post about my $25 challenge but I would really like to reach a "$25 per week average" from the garden by this time next year. I'm not sure if that is entirely feasible because it's going to take a couple of years to get fruit from the fruit trees we haven't even bought yet.

Anyway, I will continue on with the challenge regardless and see where I end up.

Picked this week:

1 x Butternut Pumpkin weighing 1kg = $1.50
Shallots 20c
Parsley 10c
Garlic Chives (used in 2 dishes) 70c
3 x Jap Pumpkin

3.5kg x $1.59 = $5.55
3.8kg x $1.59 = $6.05
9.1kg x $1.59 = $14.45

Total for this week comes to $28.55

Yah for my 9.1kg Jap Pumpkin which really boosted the costings this week. :-)

Of course, we can't eat 17.4kg of pumpkin in one week so they're going to last us a while.


jeanie said...

well done on the pumpkin - although I saw price variations from 99c to 2.50 this week - how do you work that out? I think you are doing marvellously!

lightening said...

There's the bonus of only having one store in town. I just work on the price our local supermarket the week that I pick the produce - given that's the price I would have to pay if I'd bought it that week.